Thursday, September 5, 2024


How did we spend our 10th wedding anniversary just a month ago? I was recovering from Chikangunya and suffering from joint pains. Sylvia was just discharged from hospital owing to a back iniury. In the midst of a busy work season and a phase of professional uncertainty, we'd planned nothing. There was a huge amount of stress both personally as well as professionally. On the evening of our anniversary we were sitting in our living room, exhausted and spent from the day's stresses. But from that point on, it turned into one of the best anniversary celebrations of my life. No jokes. We pushed aside our quagmire of troubles and ordered a simple cake. We lit a candle, cut the cake and just held each other without talking. No music, no people, no celebration. And that's when it hit me. We were over the hump. We would be together all our lives. There were no pretenses left, no hangups, no facades. For a bit of time, all my troubles melted away and I knew things would be fine no matter how tough it got. Because of moments like these. When all else is stripped away, we realised we didn't need a milestone party or a fancy celebration to commemorate this tenth anniversary. We just needed each other. And conversely we also realised an important fact - through the tough times, the most important thing we needed was each other's support. The rest would fall in place.

Sometimes one envisions and dreams about things that might be. Our version of what we think of our futures. Not utopian dreams but our desires nonetheless. In 2011 I had penned a poem on what I felt a relationship should be like. I was inspired by the biological phenomenon of facultative mutualism, strongly displayed by the sea anemone and the clownfish. 

A hundred fathoms deep,
waters peaceful but swift.
She gently sways in sleep
her tentacles adrift
in currents from afar blown - 
The lovely Sea Anemone.

Shades of ethereal blue
adorn her tentacles.
Ripples lending a hue
to those grim sentinels.
Deadly but beautiful
Masking her fatal pull.

Within her dense petals
lives the simple clownfish
In her warmth he nestles
safe in the polyp's swish.
His vibrant colours bring
her food to her deadly sting.

He flitters in and out
amongst tentacles armed
with poisoned darts throughout
letting him play unharmed
and with his fluid nourish
her every fibre does relish. 

A barracuda stalks him
its ugly mouth agape.
She readies to guard him
and afford him escape,
From his predatory jaws
and teeth like deathly claws.

A butterfly-fish waits
for him to wander out
and leave her in dire straits
prey to a hungry snout.
But he stands by her side
The fish's threat brushed aside.

Such threats oft and common
met with equal measure;
Is symbiosis begun
in these depths of azure.
where enemies so abound
Each other have they found.

This perfect symphony
helps them survive
in mutual harmony
The union comes alive 
To the others every need
Attuned; each other pays heed

I didn't really realise then how accurate this poem was and how strong this phenomenon is. Took me ten years to truly understand what I had composed. And I'm sure it'll take us some more time to truly appreciate what we have too. But we can try. Starting with our tenth wedding anniversary. Here's to us. 


  1. So true love, you've beautifully captured our feelings in words. Here's to plenty of happiness, growth and great times together 🤗😘

  2. Happy 10th and beautifully written !! Cheers

  3. Happy Anniversary.. love buddies

  4. Many congratulations guys...

  5. Beautifully expressed! A lovely relationship is about sharing joys and sorrows! To many more years of happiness and love!
